In April an important ceremony was held to praise the elders, including parents and other seniors in the community, in the Traditional New Year.
COERR Kanchanaburi organized the Elderly Day Ceremony on April 5, 2023 in 2 temporary shelters, i.e. Ban Don Yang in Kanchanaburi Province, with about 330 participants of 210 females and 120 males; and Ban Tham Hin in Ratchaburi Province, with approximately 380 participants of 250 females and 120 males.
On April 11, 2023, the Elderly Day events were organized in 3 temporary shelters in Tak Province: Ban Mae La had 142 participants of 114 females and 28 males; Ban Umpiem had 100 participants of 55 females and 45 males; and Ban Nupo had 105 participants of 60 females and 45 males.
The activities of the day included an opening speech by camp committee expressing appreciation to the elders for their dedication to community. Then there were children and youth performances to honor the elderly, followed with the blessing ceremony. The youngers poured water on the elders’ hands to pay respect and gratitude and ask for the blessing, then the elders would bless the youngers in return. Gifts were given to the elders. Later, the representative of the elders made a speech to bless the participants and close the ceremony.
This activity aimed to encourage the community to recognize and take good care of their elders; to pay respect and provide moral support to the elders who have lived and performed good service to the community through years of valuable experiences and good practices that they are able to share with younger generations. The younger can learn from them the success and avoid the failure they might have faced. The program also taught children and youth to preserve this tradition, culture and norm to continue to last.
The Elderly Day at Ban Don Yang and Ban Tham Hin
Temporary Shelters on 5 April 2023

Annual Water Pouring Ceremony on the occasion of Elderly Day and Traditional New Year
at Ban Mae La Temporary Shelter on 11 April 2023

Annual Water Pouring Ceremony on the occasion of Elderly Day and Traditional New Year at
Ban Umpiem Temporary Shelter on 11 April 2023

Annual Water Pouring Ceremony on the occasion of Elderly Day and Traditional New Year at
Ban Nupo Temporary Shelter on 11 April, 2023
